My journey

Blog about my experience in the huge and amazing field of programming


October 13, 2023

Technology always made me curious, I was born in the 2000s when the world wasnt like it is today. Phone was very rare things which was the things that only adults cuold have even though i did not know anything i could always find some games in them if i had chance of having this magical divice in my hands.

The first Computer that my family bought was laptop of HP, it was a treaure you should be very careful with and at first i did not even know how to turn it off. Then time passed and I learned some tricks of this monster, but I only was playing video games at that time.

Lets fast forward by 10 years. In 2022 I knew English well enough that I decided to learn Programming on Khan Academy, this was my first steps into computer scinece and I really liked process of coding, even thought I was just drawing some figures on the canvas in the khanAcademys IDE and had no idea what programming was.

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

Then I found local comunity of programmers and they recommended many free resources on the internet. I learnt Responsive Web Design and JS fundamentals in FreeCodeCamp course. Then I learnet about React and its powers.

After that I am working on my project and portfolio alongside studying computational biology at my University. currently I am working with nextJs and Tailwind CSS, as well as Firebase and my Aim is to learn some backend programming too.

This was A very short and humble story of my adventrue in Front-end web development world. Hope I did not bore you and you will be interested in working with me. Thanks for your time and attention. Good luck!